
Top 10 frauds targeting Canadians in 2020

In 2020, the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre received 101,483 fraud reports involving nearly $160 million in reported losses. Moreover, 67,294 of the reports were from Canadian consumers and businesses, that reported losses totalling more than $104.2 million. It is estimated that fewer than 5% of victims file a fraud report with the CAFC.

Top 10 frauds affecting Canadians based on number of reports in 2020
Fraud type Reports Victims Dollar loss
Extortion 17,390 6,689 $12.5 M
Identity fraud 16,970 16,970 N/A
Personal information 6,649 4,386 N/A
Phishing 3,672 1,167 N/A
Merchandise 3,354 2,728 $8.7 M
Victim vendor 2,320 1,478 $4.2 M
Job 2,297 1,035 $2.6 M
Service 2,009 1,241 $8.5 M
Spear phishing 1,049 525 $14.4 M
Emergency 924 310 $1.0 M

Note: Scams soliciting personal information and phishing do not involve financial losses and the majority of people who are victims of identity fraud are not responsible for the fraud losses.

Top 10 frauds affecting Canadians based on dollar loss in 2020
Fraud type Reports Victims Dollar loss
Romance 899 620 $18.5 M
Investment 501 428 $16.5 M
Spear phishing 1,049 525 $14.4 M
Extortion 17,390 6,689 $12.5 M
Merchandise 3,354 2,728 $8.7 M
Service 2,009 1,241 $8.5 M
Victim vendor 2,320 1,478 $4.2 M
Prize 754 240 $3.5 M
Bank investigator 835 340 $3.0 M
Job 2,297 1,035 $2.6 M
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