
Top 5 email scams

Email scams represent one of the most prevalent attack methods for fraud and other cybercrimes. From fraudulent phishing scams soliciting personal and financial information to extortion demands requesting bitcoin payments, emails are being used to send a variety of false, deceptive, misleading and fraudulent messages. During Cyber Security Awareness Month's Network Week, the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre (CAFC) would like to remind you to be vigilant when reading your email.

2019 top 5 Canadian reported email scams
Fraud type Reports Victims Losses (CAD)
Phishing 2,246 797 NA
Extortion 2,126 34 $6,500
Job 770 282 $946,100
Spear Phishing 564 329 $1,799,600
Merchandise 394 242 $428,600

Note: It is estimated that less than 5% of fraud victims report their occurrences to the CAFC.

Top tips to protect yourself

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